IndexNow – Speed Up Website Indexing Top 3 Ideas


Hi all, welcome to the Cluestipster In this Article, we will look at what the indexnow protocol is and how to use it to speed up website indexing. The indexnow protocol is a simple way for website owners to instantly notify search engines about the most recent content changes on their website, allowing for instant crawling and discovery of the changed urls. Bing and Yandex adapted the index now protocol. Google has not adopted it yet, but they are testing it now and should be enabled in the near future.

You agree that submitted urls will be automatically shared with all other participating search engines. You do not need to submit to both Bing and Yandex urls; simply choose one. Bing and all other search engines that are part of the index now protocol may be notified of the changes. If you see this diagram, websites can use the indexnow api to submit the content changes to search engines submitting one of the participating search engines should be enough. Others will be notified internally.

IndexNow - Speed Up Website Indexing

There are two options to submit the urls: single urls or multiple urls in single urls The request is sent to the search engines index now api for Bing. It’s then index now. Then Yandex is then indexnow. Then specify the url modified, added or deleted url equal to the url changed then key We can see in more detail how to submit multiple urls together by sending a post request with all the changed urls. If you see here url list, we can send multiple urls along with hostname, the website hostname, and key to prove the website’s ownership.

Same endpoint, the index now endpoint, you can post this request. You can submit up to 10k urls per post. You must prove the website’s ownership by hosting a text key file within the host. The key can be generated from here So let me show you that yeah, from this url index now, so generate an api key, then you can copy or download this file. So if I download this file and show you, yeah, this is a file. The file name is with this key. Also, if I open this file, the key is specified as content.

So let me go back here Two options One is to host the file at the root level or host anywhere within the domain and specify the key file while submitting the request. If you see here, the file is hosted at the root level, so no need to specify this key location while submitting the request. But if you see here, the key location should be specified while submitting the request. If you see here, the key location where the key is hosted then the key value once you submit your urls to search engines.

The search engine will crawl the key file to verify the ownership and use the key until you change the key value. also enables their own key for individual websites The index now api enables you to automate the submission of urls as soon as the content is added, updated or deleted. Refer to this url index now dot org to learn more about the index now protocol Let us now quickly see how to submit the urls through the index.php api So, as a first step, you should verify your site with bing webmaster tools, and then generate an api key through this url.

IndexNow - Speed Up Website Indexing

We’ve already seen how to do that. Now we should host this api key to the website, and host the key file to the root folder of the origin server. In my case, I’m a blogger, so I’m using cloudflare to host a file through this worker. So, if possible, you can host this key file on your origin I am using the curl command to submit the request, but you can use any client either java, javascript, or postman, other tools also. So here if you see get request the url, the modified url, and the key value, so let me copy this and go, and here okay, it’s 200 success Let me now go to the webmaster tool and click here As you can see, the most recent url submitted is 1804. So far, so good.

Now let us submit multiple urls. If you see here post then same endpoint index, now specify the content type application json, then the data you should be specifying host my website host, then key the same key, then the url list. I’m going to specify two urls here. Okay, it’s 200. Let me go to the webmaster tool. So you can specify all those urls one url per line, so 10k urls can be specified. Because one url is already submitted, you can specify the url and click on submit. All those urls will be submitted for indexing again. Please note that immediate indexing is not guaranteed through this.

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So urls are submitted but it’s up to the search engine to pick those urls and index them based on the criteria What is defined Bing already has the url and content submission apis for submitting the urls for indexing. Those are still supported, so you can refer here This can be used to submit the content changes to Bing. The only difference here is those changes will not be propagated to other search engines, even those that are participating in the indexnow.

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If the index now api is used, those changes will be propagated to other participating engines Google does not currently support indexing, but they are testing it and it should be available in the near future. Google already has an indexing API that can be used for quick indexing updates; see this url for more information. The indexing api quick start will help you to index any content changes quickly in a summary index now enables websites to submit updated content directly to search engines and have the content immediately crawled.

This means search engines can update their index and search results with the latest content. Indexnow looks to be an interesting feature for websites, hoping other search engines will also adopt it soon. Thanks all for watching the video. See you all in the next Article.

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